Resource Activity

The Resource Activity screen allows you to view and/or edit (depending on the calling screen) activity entries associated with a resource type and ID and/or a source transaction.

  • If the Resource Activity screen is opened through the Edit Activity option on the calendar, you can choose to edit one of the entries in the Entry drop-down list.
  • If you select the Add Activity option from the calendar view, the Resource Activity screen will open to a blank record and allow you to enter information for a new activity entry.
  • If you open the Resource Activity screen from a function outside the calendar, the Resource Activity screen will open as read-only.

  1. Select an activity Entry to edit, as applicable. If you are creating new activity, the first entry will be 0.
  2. Accept or select a Work Center ID for the activity from the drop-down list.
  3. Accept or select a Location ID from the drop-down list.
  4. Accept or select a Line from the drop-down list, as applicable. This field is optional.
  5. Accept or edit the Summary of the activity.
  6. Accept or edit the Start Date, End Date, and PWO Finish Date (expected date). NOTE: Editing the Start Date/End Date does not change the amount of time it takes to complete the activity.
  7. Mark the Allow Overlap check box to allow activity overlap. This allows the scheduling engine to disregard capacity when generating the schedule, which can result in over-capacity conditions. Leave the check box blank to ensure the scheduling engine takes capacity into account when generating schedules.
  8. Accept or edit the Description and/or Operation, as needed.

Use the command buttons:

Select To
OK Save changes to the activity, unless you are in What-if mode.
Remove Remove the entry from the schedule and add it to the Unassigned (unscheduled) queue.
Complete Change the status of the activity to 'Completed' and remove it from scheduling conflict evaluation.
Suggest Submit the activity to the scheduling engine to evaluate and suggest the start date/time. Updates the display with changes to the activity entry.


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